- Testing and Maintenance of Steam Traps
- Key Indications of Bearing Performance: How to Keep Your Machinery Running Smoothly
- Equipment Lubrication
- Hydropower Part I: Why the water wheel is more complicated than you think
- District Energy: What is it?
- Thermocouple and RTD Simulation and Testing
- Machinery Alignment
- IDEA 2024 – A RECAP
- Mapping the Electrical Distribution System
- Renewable Energy Storage
- Too much of a good thing? The six sides of Carbon and our future.
- 3-Part Communication
- Black Start – Bringing Resilience and Flexibility
- Renewable Energy Integration into District Energy Systems
- Electrical Drawing Symbols
- Troubleshooting Intermittent Failures at Power Plants
- Is the US Electrical Grid Safe?
- Lockout/Tagout: There is No Substitute
- Can Coal be Clean?
- Are We Creating an Energy Crisis?
- Much Ado About Poo: An Overview of Wastewater Treatment
- Understanding VARs (without using math)
- NOx Reduction in Combustion Turbines
- Liquid Glass: The characteristics of Laminar Flow
- Hybrid Power Plants
- Bridging the Skills Gap: Fixing the staffing problem in power generation.
- Winter is Coming 2022
- MWh Generation Cost Factors
- Mercury Emissions Reduction
- Fossil Fuel Prices Over Time
- Valve Packing: Understanding Packing for Maintenance
- Is Flyash Dangerous?
- Microgrid and District Energy: The Future of Electricity?
- Creating Pig Iron for Casting
- Big Ten and Friends Utility Conference
- Ambient Factors Conditions and Combustion Turbine Performance
- The Argument for a Qualification Standard for your Power Plant
- Understanding Valve Symbols in FDs and P&IDs
- Combustion Turbine: Glossary of Terms
- Can the U.S. Grid support EVs?
- Acid Gas
- SWFGD Primer – Coastal Elite?
- Generator Operations
- New Location, New Logo, New Lingo, Same Mission
- Inside the Matrix Part 3: Deciphering the Hieroglyphics
- Integrated Turbine-Boiler Control
- Overview of Boiler Pressure (Turbine Throttle Pressure) Control
- Fossil Consulting Services President Herman Stone Begins Retirement
- Waste Heat: Alternative Uses
- Happy Holidays from FCS!
- Arc Flash Training: Site-Specific
- Heat Rate Cost – Part 2: Impact of Increased Renewables
- The Coal Comeback
- Scale: Its Causes and Effects
- Setting SMART Training Goals
- Heat Rate Cost – Part 1
- Inside the Matrix Part 2: Breaking the Code
- Discontinuing Coal: No consensus among G20 Environment Ministers
- Housekeeping in a Coal Plant is Key
- Steam Desuperheaters
- CO2 Capture – Post-Combustion (Part 2)
- Incomplete Combustion in Coal-fired Power Plants
- Inside the Matrix: Quick Look at Power Plant Control Systems
- Controlling Total Solids Concentrations
- Let’s Talk Energy
- Energy Storage on the Electric Grid
- Water Chemistry: Beans, Beer, and Boilers
- Part 1: Carbon Dioxide Capture – Post Combustion
- Upgrading your Plant: Is Vendor Training Enough?
- Watchstanding Principles – As featured in Power Magazine
- Induced Draft Cooling Tower Cold Weather Operations
- The Cost of Going Green. Does the push for renewable energy sources make sense?
- Biden’s Energy Plan
- BES Stability: Impacts of Increased Solar and Wind Generation
- The ABCs of ACCs and ZLD: Air Cooled Condensers have an important role in Zero Liquid Discharge installations
- Alternatives to Solar Photovoltaics
- Challenges Facing the Power Industry
- The Importance of Operating with Proper Furnace Draft
- Fidelity: Low vs. High Fidelity Graphics
- Powering Through the Pandemic
- Watchstanding Principles Part 1: Focus on the Basics.
- Net-Zero Emissions? What does it mean?
- Anniversary Celebration: 25 years of FCS
- Online: Meeting Your Training Needs
- Static Var Compensators Supporting the Renewable Grid
- Supercritical CO2 and the Allam-Fetvedt Power Cycle
- Economics of the Power Industry
- ZLD: Zero Liquid Discharge
- Up in flames: Is a fire at your facility imminent?
- Effluent Limitation Guidelines: Affecting the Power Industry
- Induced Voltage
- Ash Ponds: Supplanting and Upgrading
- Computer-Based Training has the Power
- Is Inadequate Training Costing you Money?
- Strict Compliance to Approved Procedures
- Natural Gas or Coal? Both.
- The FCS Difference: Training for Power Generation and Process Plants
- Solar-Electrical Conversion and Land Use
- Tiered Approach to Complex Training Requirements
- Condensate-Induced Water Hammer
- The Aging Workforce
- Clarifiers
- Co-Firing Natural Gas and Coal
- Arc Flash Training
- Coal Blending to Maintain Competitiveness
- Water Purity has Reached New Limits!
- Part 3 of Series: Level Control and Feedwater Heater Problems
- Modifying Conventional Power Plants for a Changing Industry
- Part 2 of Series: Determining the Health of Feedwater Heaters
- Part 1 of Series: Why Do Plants Require Feedwater Heaters?
- Control Room Operator Training
- Controllable Loss Monitors
- The Dangers of NOx: Nitrogen Pollution from Fossil Fuel Combustion
- Oilers Used for Prevention of Surface Corrosion
- Water Purification to Improve Water Quality for Power Plant Operations
- Protecting Equipment from Cold Weather
- How to Purchase an Effective Operator Training Simulator?
- Cyberattack on U.S. Energy Sector
- Introducing the FCS YouTube Channel
- Technology Transfer
- Electric Grid Reliability and Resiliency
- Characteristics of Coal
- Watchstanding Principles: Standing an Active, Thoughtful Watch
- Mercury Removal from Coal-Fired Powered Plants
- Thermal Energy Storage Systems
- Control Systems Training and Operational Excellence
- The Path to Better Maintenance Qualifications & Procedures
- Guide to Gas Turbine Training
- VARs Explained in 300 Words, Without Equations or Vector Analysis
- Coal and Fossil Fuel Plant Emissions Controls
- Emissions Targets and De-Carbonization Drive
- Cooling Tower Factors: Dry & Wet Bulb Temperature, Range & Approach
- Issues with Training and Qualification Jobs for Combined Cycle Plants
- Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and Your Facility
- Analyzing Data to Improve Operational Readiness
- Power Plant Training in Protective Relays
- Coal Combustion Residual Treatment (CCRT) Facilities
- Cost-Benefit of Training
- Power Plant Training Simulator Benefits
- Conduct of Operations Documentation Improves Safety and Efficiency
- Improve Gas Turbine Facility Operational Readiness and Achieve Business Goals through Training
- Keys to Improving Power Plant Efficiency
- Power Plant Arc Flash Training
- Condenser Water, Cooling Towers and Legionnaires’ Disease
- Watchstanding Principles
- Knowledge Transfer is Critical in Power Plant Training
- Computerized Maintenance Management Software
- Maintenance Training and Qualification Programs
- Training on Chillers and the Power Plant Refrigeration Cycle
- Converting a Power Plant from Coal to Natural Gas
- Why Invest in Training and Documentation for Plants Scheduled for Retirement?
- Power Plant Electrical Fundamentals Training
- OSHA VPP and Industrial Facilities
- Know Your Water Chemistry Controls
- Power Plant Environmental Upgrades
- Human Performance Improvement
- Health and Safety at Power Plants
- Qualifications of Operating Personnel in the Power Industry
- Intermittent Renewables and Pumped Storage Facilities
- Hurricanes, Restoration, and Power Plant Startups
Past Works